A prepared message for the Alpine Airpark was reviewed at a special work session of the Alpine Town Council Oct. 1. The letter centered around the issues of safety and noise associated with the growth of the Alpine Airpark in recent years.

The community letter stated:

“We are writing to express our concerns regarding the safety and noise issues associated with the growth of the Alpine Airpark, where private jets and helicopters frequently operate. As residents of the nearby neighborhoods, we have observed and experience firsthand the adverse effects of these operations on our quality of life and wellbeing. The increase in air traffic in recent years has bade these issues even more apparent.”

The letter was available for public review by those attending the Oct. 1 meeting.  Copies of the letter accompanied copies of the agenda for those in attendance.

The letters noted safety a priority for the community. “The proximity of our homes to the chosen flight paths of these aircraft raises significant worries about the risk of accidents.”

Concerns over noise were noted in the letter.

“The noise generated by the frequent take-offs, landings and ‘low’ flying of private jets and helicopters has become quite impactful. The disruptive noise levels not only disrupts our daily lives but also affects our ability to enjoy our homes and outdoor spaces peacefully.”

The letter called for more community involvement with the airport. “In addition to these immediate concerns, the lack of community engagement regarding changes and guidelines at the airport has exacerbated our frustrations.

“Residents feel left out of the…decision making process that directly affect our lives and feel that our concerns are not taken seriously.

“We urge the airport management, Airpark homeowners, pilots and other regulatory parties to engage in open dialogue with the community, establish a formal grievance mechanism and update residents on any developments or changes.”

The letter also included a summary list of questions regarding safety as it pertains to fuel storage, emergency response plans and low flying aircraft.

Under the topic of noise questions were posed for rules and hours of operation, compliance to airpark rules and inquiries related to noise associated with fighter jets and helicopters.

While the town formally hosted the work session and heard the concerns it was noted the airport is located outside of the town limits.

An airport board spokesman said the meeting was “long overdue” and addressed the concerns, first noting the airport is open for public use and not limited to just property owners at the site.

Also noted at the meeting, The FAA oversees traffic patters for the airport but local pilots are encouraged to direct departures over the Palisades to lesson noise over the community.

In conclusion the Alpine Town Council called for a better working relationship between the community and airport.