Officials searching for Collie Judson Warren of Ethete

By SVI Staff
March 1, 2025

FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Trails Task Force and the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation are seeking information about the location of Collie Judson Warren, 49, of Ethete, Wyo. There is a federal warrant for Mr. Warren’s arrest on charges of distribution of methamphetamine.

He is 5’10” tall and about 245 pounds. He is thought to be somewhere on the Wind River Indian Reservation, and he is possibly armed and could be dangerous. He might be driving a 1993 white Ford pickup truck.

Anyone with information about Collie Warren is asked to contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs/Wind River Police Department at 307-332-6880 or the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office at  307-332-5611. is made possible thanks to a partnership between SVI Media, the Alpine Travel & Tourism Board and the Town of Alpine.

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