Senior Councilmember Jeremy Larsen presents outgoing councilman Frank Dickerson a plaque honoring his time and service to the Town of Alpine. SVI photo/Dan Dockstader

Alpine is continuing to work on a Master Plan for Lincoln County’s rapidly growing northern community. The Alpine Town Council met Tuesday, December 17 and agreed to take the Master Plan work into the new year, along with two ordinances, one dealing with the annexation of the Alpine Lakes Subdivision and the other addressing noise control. Look for additional details in the Dec. 24 edition of the Star Valley Independent and at

The Alpine Town council will go through governing changes in the coming new year, with Shay Scaffide taking a new seat on the council, replacing retiring councilman Frank Dickerson. Scaffide was newly elected in November, while Andrea Burchard was re-elected at the same time. Other councilmembers include Jeremy Larsen and Emily Castillo. All are serving with Mayor Eric Green in Alpine. is made possible thanks to a partnership between SVI Media, the Alpine Travel & Tourism Board and the Town of Alpine.

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